This page sets out information relating to pay negotiations and associated processes for both employed and self-employed midwives.
Although employed and self-employed midwives are paid through different mechanisms, the pay and working conditions of each group are inter-related. Midwives have a choice of work setting and it is essential that pay issues for each group are considered in the context of the entire profession.
Self-employed midwives
The College acknowledges to members the years of difficulties caused by the inaction of successive governments in response to community midwife pay issues. This has had an ongoing effect on the midwifery profession, resulting in workforce shortages and loss of morale.
Lack of funding increases in the Section 88 Notice over a number of years led the College to make a claim in the High Court against the Ministry of Health in August 2015, alleging discrimination against midwives on the basis of gender. The information and documents on this page set out the events that have occurred since that time, including progress towards developing a new funding model to replace Section 88.
College Updates
At the College conference in Rotorua, Keriana Brooking, Ministry of Health Deputy Director of Service Commissioning was a member of the panel discussion “Seeking equity for midwifery”. Her speech included an apology to the College and the profession for the way in which the Ministry had responded to the co-design work. Click here to read Keriana’s speech or to hear the panel discussion.
Progress Update