Kia ora koutou members,
The College will continue to communicate via member emails as new information becomes available or if there are issues which need clarification, however the frequency of emails may no longer be daily. As always, members are welcome to call on (03) 377 2732 or contact us via email on for any Covid related matters (email checked regularly including on weekends), or contact any of the College advisors or staff with any other queries.
- Homebirth in lockdown. We have had a number queries related to homebirth over the last 24 hours or so, hence we are sharing the links to the information that the College has developed last year for midwives and women to support homebirth during Alert Level 4.
- Midwives self-isolation requirements. Yesterday the College circulated information from the Ministry of Health for community midwives, noting the self-isolation requirement of 14 days if they had been at a location of interest. This advice was incorrect. We apologise for any confusion and have pointed out this inconsistency to the Ministry of Health who are updating their advice. The correct self-isolation requirements / advice will be dependent on the location of interest at which the midwife was, and whether she/they are considered to be a close contact or casual plus contact. In all instances, midwives should contact Healthline to ensure they receive the advice that is specific to their individual situation. The College appreciates that at times midwives are receiving conflicting advice about self-isolation requirements. Please contact us if we can assist in clarifying any concerns.
- Medical certificates. Midwives have been raising queries regarding their responsibilities to provide medical / pregnancy certificates for clients as a result of the risks of Covid exposure during pregnancy. Please see this link for the advice which the College has available on its website regarding this issue.
- Emergency COVID-19 Locum Cover for Community Midwives
Emergency COVID-19 locum cover is available for all community midwives who are required to self-isolate due to COVID-19.
This is ADDITIONAL to midwives’ standard leave and emergency cover allocations through the Urban or Rural Locum services.
Contact the MMPO Locum Support Team on 0800 MIDWIFE, or email
Ngā mihi
Alison Eddy
Chief Executive
New Zealand College of Midwives|Te Kāreti o ngā Kaiwhakawhānau ki Aotearoa