Home Midwives Publications Midwife Aotearoa New Zealand

Midwife Aotearoa New Zealand

Midwife Aotearoa New Zealand is a quarterly publication mailed directly to all members of the College in March, June, September and December each year.

Midwife Aotearoa New Zealand includes articles from the College Chief Executive and the College’s Midwifery Advisors, as well as midwives around the country. It informs members of practice advice, political activity and events and activities throughout New Zealand.

ISSN 2703-4062 (Print)
ISSN 2744-4546 (Online)

June 2024 Issue 113

• The rise of freebirth in Aotearoa
• Re-claiming time & indigenising antenatal care
• Opening of Kurawaka: Waipapa

March 2024 Issue 112

• Midwifery-led newborn transitional care
• Celebrating a partnership agreement between the College and Ngā Maia
• Neurodivergence in pregnancy

December 2023 Issue 111

• Exploring whanaungatanga in all its forms
• Birth in Aotearoa 2012 - 2021: Reflecting on increasing rates of intervention
• Climate change: An indiginous perspective

September 2023 Issue 110

• Welcome Māori midwifery advisors
• Political parties midwifery policies
• Ankyloglossia and breastfeeding

June 2023 Issue 109

• Stories from colleagues during the extreme weather events
• HPV testing
• New MERAS co-leader

March 2023 Issue 108

• Midwifery workforce challenges
• Preparing for disaster and emergencies
• Vegan and vegetarian pregnancies

December 2022 Issue 107

• Workforce issues
• College member survey - results
• ACC, lodging claims

September 2022 Issue 106

• Q & A: Pelvic health physiotherapy
• SUDI: Ministry review affirms poverty a major factor
• Climate change: Consumerism & Midwifery

June 2022 Issue 105

• Moral distress
• Environmental impacts of nitrous oxide
• Breastfeeding Connection

March 2022 Issue 104

• Global heating
• Maternity outcomes
• Isolated Cleft Palate

December 2021 Issue 103

• Half a century of maternity care
• Midwifery record keeping
• Care of refugee women

September 2021 Issue 102

• Perinatal mental health part II
• MERAS strike action
• Nausea and vomiting in pregnancy

June 2021 Issue 101

Towards Equity Te Ara ō Hine – Tapu Ora

• Perinatal mental health part I

• Anaemia in pregnancy

• Noho marae ki kathihiku

March 2021 Issue 100

Centennial Issue

• Leadership

• Review of the latest report on maternity

• The nine stages of skin-to-skin and breastfeeding initiation

December 2020 Issue 99

Birthing in Aotearoa, A pictorial celebration

• Abortion reform

• Cannabis in pregnancy

• Māori Midwifery symposium

September 2020 Issue 98

Midwifery Reborn, Celebrating three decades of autonomous practice - click image to view

• Cutting the ties, core midwives pay win

• Carol Bartle receives NZ Order of Merit

• Midwifery on the margins, serving marginalised people

June 2020 Issue 97

Special Covid-19 on-line edition - Click image to view

• Covid and the Core

• Virtual International Day of the Midwife Celebrations

• The Impact of Covid across the Profession

Midwife magazine cover

March 2020 Issue 96

• Our time to shine, Celebrating International Year of the Midwife

• Make the most of your MSR

• New guidelines for Induction of Labour