
News & Events

Significant changes to information sharing starting the 1st July – impact for midwives

24th June, 2019

Changes to legislation come into effect on 1st July 2019 which are designed to support agencies working with whanau/families and tamariki to share information so that the woman and baby can be supported to be…

A New Mum Meets the Midwives At Fieldays…. Jacinda Ardern Pops In

14th June, 2019

Media Release                                                                                                          14 June 2019 A new mum popped in to meet the midwives at Fieldays today. The Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, chatted with local midwives this morning after heading away with a…

Notification of the Primary Maternity Services Amendment Notice 2019

12th June, 2019

Please find attached: ·        a letter notifying the Ministry’s intention to amend the fee schedule of Primary Maternity Services Notice 2007 ·        the draft Primary Maternity Services Amendment Notice…

Meet the Midwives at Fieldays

10th June, 2019

Media Statement      10 June 2019   For this first time this year, midwives will have a stand at Fieldays at Mystery Creek in Hamilton. Midwives play a vital role in the health and…

Midwives, Babies and Mothers Overlooked in Another ‘Smoke and Mirrors’ Budget

30th May, 2019

Media Release 30 May 2019 Midwives, Babies and Mothers Overlooked in Another ‘Smoke and Mirrors’ Budget “Disappointing” is how the College of Midwives is describing the budget announcement today. Chief Executive, Alison Eddy, says the…

Appropriate Rural Midwifery Resourcing Must Urgently Be Addressed

30th May, 2019

Media Release  30 May 2019 Appropriate Rural Midwifery Resourcing Must Urgently Be Addressed The College of Midwives is calling on health officials and the Minister to urgently address the shortage of midwives and facilities in…

Midwives defend women’s rights

3rd May, 2019

Midwives throughout New Zealand are inviting mothers, families and colleagues to acknowledge and celebrate the far-reaching importance of their profession in women’s lives on Sunday, 5 May, International Day of the Midwife.

More Women Registering With A Midwife Early in Pregnancy

17th April, 2019

The latest Report on Maternity has been released by the Ministry of Health and the work of midwives continues to contribute to improving outcomes for New Zealand women and their babies.

Midwives Vote YES to DHBs MECA Settlement

14th April, 2019

Midwives employed by DHBs have voted overwhelmingly YES to a pay settlement.

The vote which closed on Friday 12thApril, will see a majority of members gaining increases of up to 17.5% from where they are now ($66,755 a year) to where they will be in August next year ($78,353 a year).

Increases to locum days and rates

11th April, 2019

As a result of additional one-off funding becoming available, MMPO Locum Support in conjunction with NZ College of Midwives can offer a one-off increase to the number of locum days available to LMC midwives through…

Midwives to Vote on Proposed Settlement

9th April, 2019

Finally a breakthrough and positive outcome for employed midwives.
Around 1250 midwives employed by DHBs who are members of the midwives’ union, MERAS, are voting on a proposed settlement of their multi-employer collective agreement (MECA) that achieves much of what midwives have been fighting for.